Bluehost Launches WonderSuite Product with AI-Powered Site-Building Guide

Bluehost launched its new WonderSuite product this week, which introduces a setup and site creation experience guided by AI. In September 2022, the hosting company debuted its managed WooCommerce packages after acquiring YITH, a WordPress plugin company with more than 100 WooCommerce extensions. The new WonderSuite product is included in all Bluehost WordPress hosting plans and is not specific to online stores.

WonderSuite brings together solutions from YITH and Yoast and integrates them into a new unified design that is based on Yoast’s open source React component library. This interface was introduced as an update in Yoast 20.0 with mixed feedback. Although many users reacted positively to the modern design, some are not keen on plugins building their own UI in the admin. Bluehost is using this component library to streamline and unify the UI for its various products inside the admin.

WonderSuite is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses, agencies, and freelancers who are just getting online. The major update here is the WonderStart onboarding experience that asks the user specific questions and then populates other parts of the website building process with their answers. For example, social media handles will automatically sent to SEO optimization and added to the social buttons block.

Bluehost also pulls the WonderStart data into the WonderBlocks, which are used to create a library of block patterns and page templates using images and suggested text based on the user’s entries during onboarding. All of this works with the block-based YITH Wonder Theme, which is free on and active on more than 10,000 sites.

Wonder theme users have access to some patterns and templates but Bluehost customers have more designs available to them in combination with WonderBlocks. Those hosting with Bluehost who don’t want to use the default Wonder Theme will can still use the WonderBlocks pattern library with any block-based theme.

Bluehost is one example of a host that is putting AI to use inside the admin. The new WonderHelp section is an AI-powered guide that users can tap into during the site-building process. Users can ask it to create a blog and the feature will provide a guide inside the site builder with instructions for what to do on each page.

The company is working on a feature called WonderAssist that is anticipated later in 2023. It will provide AI-powered content generation with relevant copy, product descriptions, and SEO-friendly excerpts integrated with the other parts of WonderSuite.

Bluehost’s e-commerce customers also have access to WonderCart, which provides a collection of cross-sell and upsell features, along with promotional and discount options inside a single, unified interface, instead of spread across multiple plugins and tools.

Existing Bluehost customers can find the updated plugin in their WordPress sites with the new products available. Onboarding is currently only available for users starting new websites but a representative said they are working on creating a path that allows existing customers to re-route through the onboarding experience.


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