Ask the Bartender

Like any good Tavern, the bartender is available to hear your troubles and provide advice.

Welcome to a new article series from WP Tavern. In keeping up with the Tavern theme and advice columns available through traditional media, we wanted to test the waters and see how such a column would work on this site. At the moment, this is an experimental series, but we are excited about the possibilities.

Our staff has a wide-range of expertise spanning over 15 years, so it made sense to use that expertise to help the WordPress community.

If you have a WordPress-related question, post it in the form below. We’ll gather up the questions periodically (weekly or bi-weekly, depending on submissions) and offer our advice.

The big thing is that we don’t want this to be a technical support service. Use the official WordPress support forum for that sort of thing. Use this form for the “big” questions, whatever they may be.

Submit Your Question


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