WordPress Marketing Team Launches “From Blogs to Blocks” Campaign Ahead of 20th Anniversary

WordPress’ Marketing team has launched a new campaign called “From Blogs to Blocks” in anticipation of the project’s upcoming 20th anniversary. The WordPress community is celebrating this major milestone through various activities and local meetups that are being held around the world throughout the month of May.

“From Blogs to Blocks creates intentional moments for the WordPress community to reflect on the journey we’ve gone on so far and to dream of what’s to come,” Marketing team contributor Sé Reed said.

“Each daily action symbolizes the millions of individual actions that have come together to make WordPress what it is today.”

The new campaign will feature 20 days of WordPress-related prompts for users to engage in different actions designed to start conversations and stir memories. Daily prompts will be published for different ways of participating through blogging, developing, designing, photography, and community. For example, participants may be invited to submit photos to the WordPress Photo Directory, post videos, art, or share a block or theme they created.

The daily prompts will begin May 7 and will run until the 20th anniversary on May 27. They will give the community an opportunity to reflect on what WordPress means to them, their experiences, and personal milestones along the way.

Participants are encouraged to use the #WP20 hashtag and may be eligible to receive recognition from the Marketing team in the form of a WordPress.org profile badge. Those who publish contributions on all 20 prompts before WordCamp US in August may also receive additional unspecified acknowledgments. Subscribe to the Marketing blog to get all the prompts in your inbox.


17 responses to “WordPress Marketing Team Launches “From Blogs to Blocks” Campaign Ahead of 20th Anniversary”

  1. The block editor is a slower to build anything in. It’s far more steps, dozens of more clicks, and requires more time to learn for novice users, and requires training for anyone not experienced with using it.

    If you can use Word, you can use the classic editor. Its learning curve is tiny.

    Many… of the largest WordPress sites use the classic editor. Every non-profit I’ve worked with uses the classic editor. 2 of the nation’s largest banks use it as well.

    All for the same reason, it’s easy to use.

    • For classic editor supporter, I want to tell that there is classic editor block is also available in block editor, simply use that, if you don’t want to learn about using blocks. But why avoiding possibilities that block editor bringing, super easy to edit whole page from header to footer, web developer may be comfortable with page.php , loop.php like things, but designers like me more prefer block editor involved in page template and template parts too, and if something is missing in editor and not possible through a block there is a block “php everywhere” that can help those developer who are looking for anything php. For example I use it too, to write copyright text in footer for adding the current year using php.

      • I’ve used the block editor many times. I just don’t like working slower.

        It’s very rare for me to change headers/footers, or rebuild sites after I built them the first time. I follow a design system so that just isn’t needed.

        I also know that blocks (and themes) need accessibility corrections, which is extremely painful with Gutenberg. I can’t wait for WordPress to finally get around to updating bugs years later – like the lang attribute still being wrong after nearly 20 years.

        The php anywhere block is bad security practice and subject to RCE vulnerabilities.

        We have our own design system based on Bootstrap. Every component was created long ago. Everything works better across more devices, it’s more accessible and more portable. This also allows components to be used on non-WordPress sites, social media, marketing materials, etc. Helping unify brand identities across web properties.

        Folks who are not designers/developers/webmasters have extreme issues using the block editor because of the learning curve. A 70-year-old veteran that takes care of a local non-profit org’s website that updates a handful of times a year can’t remember how to use it – while the classic editor doesn’t have that issue. They also never update headers/footers or use the site builder – for obvious reasons.

        Publishing 1,000’s or 10,000’s of articles via the block editor is 5-10x more clicks for each article, and waiting for the preview to render is an extreme amount of lost time. For businesses with 100’s of active sites, or even a single client, that’s wasted time, thus money.

        WordPress is now shirking in market share. They should have focused on converting core to PHP 8 because of the massive speed/performance increases…instead of a page builder nobody asked for. Heck, an easy-to-use e-commence experience built into WordPress would have been better for them – at least people were asking for that.

        • I couldn’t agree more. WordPress basically shunned those of us doing the work at enterprise scale in favor of the kids making sites with page builders. I just don’t understand how they could make such a drastic move. If they wanted to change the editor, then replace ONLY TinyMCE, and make a setting/filter to select which one you prefer… But leave the rest of the UI alone. There are so many more pressing things to be working on in the system that it blows my mind.


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